Mary Ann just wrote: “Thank you Generation Give for challenging me with a Walk “matching grant” of $1,250.00. Together, WE generated $4,770.00 for CROP! A record breaker for me and I’ve walked many, many CROP walks over the years. Thank you so much for your concern for others and your generosity.” 15:51:192017-05-16 03:42:23Congratulations to Mary Ann on her successful CROP Walk!
We received the following note from the Wishosauruses team captain, Laura:”Dear Generation Give, I can’t thank you enough for your support in this event. We raised $17,182 – the most… of any team, ever!! And that was before the grant match meaning we really raised over $34K for Make a Wish! Because of your donation, I was able to get everyone on the team to $500+. I also think it was an excellent motivator for people to raise even more, knowing that if they raised enough, they would receive even more from your generous pool. Thank you again!!!”
Congratulations again, Laura and team – all of us at Generation Give are proud of you! 15:46:152012-05-14 15:46:15Congratulations Walk for Wishes team Wishosauruses!!
MISSION VIEJO, Calif., Feb. 8, 2011 — Generation Give, a non-profit organization that matches* the donations of individuals or groups in support of organizations that educate children, feed the hungry and provide treatment for the sick, officially launched and held its inaugural event during the Big Game last Sunday. The “Super Celebration” event earned more than $7,500 for three non-profits in need of support and contributions. Held at MixLab at MarkeTeam Inc. in Mission Viejo, board members of Generation Give gave a presentation about the new non-profit to nearly 80 attendees and introduced three worthwhile charities that are making a difference in the communities they serve.
The funds raised will go to support the Asante Network, California Parkinson’s Group, and the Project Hope School Foundation. Asante Network is a non-profit committed to helping women and children in East Africa. The all-volunteer organization supports many causes including a lunch program for impoverished children. California Parkinson’s Group (CPG) is a mostly Orange County based non-profit that supports patients, spouses, families and friends affected by a diagnosis of early onset Parkinson’s. Through dialogue, education and involvement in the medical research community, CPG hopes to raise the quality of life for those in our community with Parkinson’s and aid in the research and cure of the disease. Project Hope (Homeless Outreach Program in Education), is an Orange County-based non-profit foundation that runs a county-wide school designed to help children without permanent homes transition into the mainstream educational system. The school is funded by the state but transportation services to pick up children from shelters and motels throughout Orange County, lunches and other supplies are raised and maintained by the foundation. 14:32:322011-02-11 14:32:32Super Celebration is a Big Success!
Generation Give is proud to support the Audi Best Buddies Challenge. Best Buddies is a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Thanks to the hard work of committed volunteers, caring staff and donors like you, Best Buddies now boasts more than 1,500 chapters on middle school, high school and college campuses across the United States and abroad.
All the individuals who have been involved with Best Buddies over the past 21 years have helped to make a positive impact on the way society views people with intellectual disabilities. A full 89% of Best Buddies revenue goes directly into their programs. Your financial contribution is an integral part of their success.
Generation Give matched your money dollar-for-dollar and donated a total of $5700.00 to help two orphanages in Haiti.
Here is an excerpt from the note we received from the Village of Hope & Lazarus Project…
Dear Glenn: What a pleasant way to end my business day by reading your e-mail and learning of this most generous gift in support of the Little Children of Jesus and Grace Mission. Thank you SO MUCH. I know Gladys (LCJ) and Marie (Grace Mission) will be so appreciative of this support; as are we. You can rest assured that the work that these two Haitian ladies direct and give their hearts to does have an impact on their communities and to the children for whom they so lovingly care.